About Us
Hello, beautiful soul! I’m Ashley Bell – the designer and creator behind Threads of Tarot and each of it’s bags, wraps, cloths and other tools. I design each item and sew each thread with intention; the intention that the piece that calls to you protects your tools and enriches your readings with clarity and light.
I have been a creative and lover of all things occult for as long as I can remember. I have been sewing since I was about 13 years old. I still remember the joy I felt after sewing my first pillow and I feel that same happiness every time I’m in front of the sewing machine, except maybe when the threads jam. 😉 It was around this time when I was first briefly introduced to tarot and witchcraft. I was immediately fascinated and drawn to it. At the time though, it wasn’t a path I could fully walk. My path has since changed and developed. At the beginning of 2021, it’s like a light bulb was lite and I knew it was finally time to start reading. I have since been reading for myself and those close to me for practice with the hopes of reading professional somewhere along my path.
Our divination tools - whether it be our tarot decks, our pendulum or our runes - are sacred tools. They guide us and our querents on our paths and assist us with making many different decisions. This means treating them with care and reverence is of great importance. This means using tools that call to us in a magical way that lift the veil and allow us to see beyond the physical and into a world many people don’t see.
That, my friend, is my reason for creating Threads of Tarot. It is my hope that my bags, wraps, and cloths assist you in protecting your sacred tools and light a fire in your readings that guide you to clarity and empower your universal connection.
I invite you to take a look around to see what calls to empower and bring excitement to your practice. Please, let me know if you have any questions at all! I'm always happy to help.